Mr. UndertheCovers thinks that sex is the antidote to any fight. In fact, he thinks sex is the antidote to any problem. Headache? Have an orgasm. Tired? Close your eyes and have an orgasm. PMS? Rear entry will alleviate that cramping. Can’t figure out what to wear? Take off all of your clothes, have sex and the answer will come to you. Toothache? Blow jobs are great for toothaches. I won’t even tell you his treatment for hunger. Mr. U has an uncanny knack for orgasming his problems away. There is nothing a good orgasm can’t fix for him.

I, on the other hand, need to have a clear mind to get that mind-blowing feeling. If something is nagging at me, it won’t stop just because a face is in my crotch. That doesn’t mean that after a hard day, letting all that stress wash off of me with some multiples isn’t great. It just takes me a long time to get there. Lately my mind has been a super-spinning cyclone. My thoughts decimate any feelings or emotions that stand in its path. Pleasure – never stood a chance. Pain – no time for pain. Fear, sadness or anger – totally wiped off the map.

With a baby going on his third week of pneumonia, a life-changing decision in the works that is going to lead me both to a good and a bad place, and all the other millions of things on my own honey-do list, I am surprised I had time to write this blog entry. But, there is a cure for that, Mr. U would say. What better way to diminish stress than to release it from the tips of my toes to the top of my head? So I oblige, knowing that this will work for him and at least one of us will feel less stressed.  And as he is kissing my neck I am replaying the events of my day; as he is fondling my thigh I am wondering if my littlest one is breathing ok; and as he is removing my shirt I am working on a plan to go back in time and not screw up some of the things in my life.

In the end, things did work out ok for me. My mind cleared for those crucial few seconds and everyone was happier for it. I am just hoping the same thing happens in my life. Maybe “the cure: will work. Should I try it?